If you haven’t been acquainted with the gentlemen of The 2017 A-List, get up to speed with them first before viewing the video above. From the Meet and Greet at Black Nut in May to the interview sessions that determined whether they would make the cut, the 10 men have been through a lot to get this coveted spot.

However, as many of them reveal in the interviews, they’ve been through a lot in their lives to get to where they are today. Not one of them has any regret. After all, it is these life experiences that shape them into the men they are today.

From contemplating suicide after a failed business venture to a very serious health scare, the 2017 A-Listers reveal the most defining moments of their lives. And as all of them prove, their attitude towards the obstacles that life threw at them determined the lofty altitudes that each of them are right now in their respective careers. And that’s what The A-List is about – a group of like-minded gentlemen who are defined not just by who they are and what they do, but by the changes they make in the lives of themselves and others… while drinking a few whiskies along the way and wearing some nice threads, of course.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.
written by.
The 2017 A-Listers Reveal Their Defining Moments

Farhan Shah

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